“The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.” — Isaiah 9:2 (NASB95)
The very popular hymn “Amazing Grace” has this line, “I was blind, but now I see.” You and I are believers in Jesus today not because we are brilliant and finally figured out the truth but because despite our blindness God gave us sight. By the power of His Spirit He shined the Light (Jesus) into our lives. At the end of the day this is what it is all about. It is about light and darkness, truth and falsehood. The world out there is not wrong, dumb, stupid or any other judgmental word we might choose. The truth is people are living in darkness, just like we once were. God has left us on the planet not to be its judge but to be lights on a hill that shine into the darkness and draw people out of that darkness. Our daily endeavor is to point people to Jesus, the Light of the world.
The key in fulfilling our purpose is that we need to live and breathe in the light. We have been called out of this world, and we are supposed to stand out. I find too many Christians asking how much like the world can they be and still be a Christian. This is a faulty premise. God states that we need to die to this world. We need to remind ourselves that Heaven is our home, not this world. This world is going to cease the day Jesus comes again and creates a new Heaven and a new Earth. Until then, we faithfully walk in the light of God’s Word and let our light shine to the world around us so that others might see our good works and glorify God who is in Heaven.
Pastor Tom