05/24/23 Daily Devotion – Leave the hard stuff to God!

“One of those listening was a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.” (Acts 16:14 NIV84)

One of the temptations we face as Christians is to take responsibility for things that are God’s responsibility. I think Satan plays off our inherent sinful desire to be our own gods. But as Christians, we quickly become paralyzed to handle the task before us. Consider witnessing to our faith. If we feel it is our responsibility to present, convert, and cause acceptance in the one we are witnessing to, we will very quickly become overwhelmed with all that we cannot control. Let me tell you a secret. This principle doesn’t just apply to witnessing. We need to take responsibility for what God has called us to do, and let Him have responsibility for His part. You see, when we don’t do this, we get overwhelmed and Satan wins.

Let’s do our part and our part only. Let’s pray for and witness to those whom God has placed in our lives, but let’s not take responsibility for their life choices and decisions. Let’s be true to God’s Word but not feel compelled to shove it down someone’s throat. Let’s show mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. But let’s not find ourselves embedded in enabling relationships that end up not being loving, caring, or forgiving at all. Let’s do the easy stuff God has called us to do. Let’s love one another as God has loved us, and let’s let God take care of the hard stuff.


Pastor Tom


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