“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You. ‘Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock.’” — Isaiah 26:3–4 (NASB95)
I guess there should be no surprise that Isaiah connects peace to our state of mind. We all know that our mind affects our attitude, and our attitude affects our sense of security and stability. What I would like to emphasize in this devotion is Isaiah’s focus on the “steadfast of mind” idea. Isaiah is telling us that our mind needs to stand firm and immovable about certain truths. He specifically mentions our trust in God. If our trust in God is unwavering and our mind is steadfast in that truth, then we will live in perfect peace. Oh, what I wouldn’t do to have a little more peace in my life. How about you?
If you can relate, then let me ask the obvious question: What is your “trust in God” ratio today? I have to ask myself that question all the time. Are we letting God have certain parts of our lives but remaining in control of others? If so, we are unintentionally lowering our own level of peace. God wants us to surrender control to Him. He wants us to trust Him completely for all of our physical, emotional and spiritual needs. He wants us to be so certain in that trust that our minds are steadfast. He wants us to believe, every moment of every day, that He is our everlasting rock.
This morning let me echo Isaiah’s words, “Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting rock.”
Pastor Tom