03/08/2024 Daily Devotion – What’s your source of energy?

“Yet those who wait for the Lord Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. ” (Isaiah 40:31, NASB95)

This is our last in a series of devotions on Isaiah chapter 40. I invite you to read the entire chapter today so you can catch the richness of all God is saying in this chapter. Today we look at the last verse of the chapter.  This verse is most likely on something you have in your house (a wall hanging or picture).  It has probably been on a card that a loving friend or family member sent to comfort you.  This verse reminds us where true and lasting strength comes from. The strongest of us will eventually grow weary. But NOT God. He never grows tired or weary. So those who wait for Him WILL gain the strength they need. Look at the imagery. “They will mount up with wings like eagles.” We all have seen the majestic images of eagles effortlessly soaring high in the sky. God promises to be that strength for you and me. So, is it real? Or is it just a nice spiritual “feel good” picture?

Let’s look at some biblical examples. Look at the strength David obtains from God as he defeats Goliath. How about the strength that Gideon and his 300 men obtain from God when they defeat thousands in battle? I think of Samson, Elijah before the Baal priests, three men in a fiery furnace, and Daniel in a lions’ den. I am sure we could add more to the list. But the point is that the verse above is not just a nice thought or wish. It is a certainty for all of us. God can and will supply us the strength we need to endure the struggles of this life.  This must have been the thought on Paul’s mind when he said, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:13).  Paul said in another place, “In his weakness he is strong.”  He was stating the very truth of the verse above.  If we wait for the Lord, He will supply us a strength greater than any that we could muster up.  God will provide us divine spiritual strength to get us victoriously through our weakest moments.

Praise be to God!


Pastor Tom


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