03/13/24 Daily Devotion – The Gospel is bearing fruit!

“All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth.” — Colossians 1:6 (NIV)

As we struggle in the United States to properly identify ourselves as Christians in our culture, it is good to know that the gospel is bearing fruit “all over the world.” You may not know this, but in the southern hemisphere the gospel is spreading like wildfire. It seems to be spreading the quickest in South America and Africa. Some statistical groups are saying that thousands are being added to the Christian Church every day.

What is the secret to such dynamic spreading of the gospel? Of course it is the work of the Holy Spirit. But is there anything we can do to assist His activity? I think Paul gives us a hint at the end of today’s verse, where he says, “and understood God’s grace in all its truth.” The spreading of the gospel struggles when we water it down and soften its truthfulness. The gospel seems to spread the most when God’s people take God’s word for what it is and understand the truth of God’s grace. Our faith in Jesus is not the acceptance of some mystical feeling about God’s love. It is the solid belief that God sent His Son into the world to redeem us. We believe in a real Jesus. We trust that His words are true. We believe that He really died and rose again for our salvation.

Let’s commit ourselves to deepening our understanding of all the truths that exist in God’s word of grace.


Pastor Tom


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