“If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on the things above, not on the things on the earth.” (Col. 3:1&2 NKJV)
Well, of course we have been raised up with Christ. Our sinful nature died with Jesus on the cross, and just as He was raised from the dead on Easter morning, we, too, have been raised with Him in our new created state. We have been born again. We are no longer dead but alive. So now what? Paul tells us to “keep seeking the things above…set your minds on the things above.” This is supposed to be a very intentional action on our part. As born again believers in Jesus Christ, Paul is calling us to exercise the new creature in us. We need to proactively, and intentionally, choose to set our minds on the things above (where Jesus is). We do this in contrast to setting our minds on earthly things.
We are not called to passively float through this Christian life. Rather, we are called to actively participate in God’s Kingdom while we live in this world. We are to ponder, meditate, and put into action God’s kingdom principles. We are to live in these new principles, not just academically acknowledge them. This is why we do daily devotions. This is why we work to become more firmly rooted in His Word and Truth.
Remember, we don’t do all this for our own good alone. We seek and live according to God’s kingdom principles so that we might be a witness to someone who needs to come to know Jesus. Our life will be a living, breathing billboard for God’s kingdom. May that be so for each of us.
Pastor Tom