01/29/22 Daily Devotion – Peace!

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15 NIV)

First, I want to say that I do not think the concept of “peace” in the Scriptures can be overemphasized. I believe the concept of true peace goes back to the time of creation and before the fall of Adam and Eve. When God said “everything was good” (Gen. 1:31),  He was referring to the state that His creation was in.  It was in perfect peace (shalom). There was no discord. All of creation was in perfect symphony.

Paul says in the verse above that we can have that peace. He tells us to let it “rule” in our hearts.  This implies we can allow something else to rule in our hearts. He tells us to make the choice to let peace rule. It is hugely significant that the angels herald the birth of Jesus by proclaiming “Peace in Earth!”  Jesus Himself says that He came that we might have peace and then declares that He Himself is the source of that peace. After His resurrection, Jesus’ first words to anyone He appeared to was “Peace be unto you!”. Friends in Christ, Jesus came to restore the peace that was lost at the Fall.

Paul says that we have been called to peace.  The first and immediate benefit of faith in Jesus is to have peace with God through Him.  We are completely forgiven because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  Our hearts and souls can rest in Shalom (peace!).

Today, let’s live peace-filled lives.  Let’s not take upon ourselves anything that God would not want us to bear.  Let’s rise from this devotion letting peace rule in our hearts…and be thankful!


Pastor Tom


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