02/1/22 Daily Devotion – Why do you do what you do?

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17, NIV)

Have you ever asked the question, “What am I doing all this for?”  This is a very important question. It is critical that we understand our internal motivation for doing things. Do we do the things we do because we want the recognition of our boss, parents, spouse, etc.?  Is our motivation to impress ourselves? Are we ego-driven? What about fear? Are we driven by fear of success or fear of failure? What I want you to see in all of these questions is that we can quickly get lost in all the feelings that those questions bring up. If our motivation for doing things is rooted in this world, there will be a breakdown somewhere.

Paul tells us in the verse above that our sole motivation should be to honor our Savior and Lord.  Everything we think and do should be done in the name of Jesus.  We do it as though we have His blessing to proceed, and we bring honor to Him when our thought/task is complete.  Imagine for a moment if today would be different if you were to think about Jesus while you went about your work.

Let me add one more thing to this thought process.  Paul, here and in many places, tells us that our gratitude should be the true motivating factor for wanting to bring Jesus honor through our life choices.  Our hearts should constantly be in a state of gratitude for all that God has done and continues to do in our lives to preserve, sustain, and redeem us.  He is honored when we see everything we have as a gift from Him and when our stewardship of those things is done with heartfelt gratitude.

Today, let’s do it ALL in the name of Jesus!


Pastor Tom


Let the world see Jesus in you!

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