09/03/22 Daily Devotion – Let’s be partners in the Gospel!

“because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…” (Philippians 1:5, NIV84)

In the scope of the Christian life, we place a great emphasis on knowing the message of the Gospel, and this isn’t wrong. Eternal consequences are at stake depending on whether or not we know Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. But if this is a person’s, or a church’s, only pursuit, then there is something seriously missing. If our only focus is on ourselves and our own faith, then we will most certainly be the last link in a spiritual chain that goes back centuries.

The idea of being partners in the Gospel is an important concept for all of us to grasp. Once redeemed and saved, we are set apart by God to reach out to the lost in our world. We are called to partner together, to pool our resources, so we can effectively reach the world around us that is dying without Jesus. In our verse for today, Paul praises the Philippian church for its partnership in the Gospel. May we (personally and as churches) receive the same praise because we see and meet needs beyond our own.

Today, let’s be certain of our salvation and then let’s partner up to take that salvation to others who desperately need it.


Pastor Tom


Let the world see Jesus in you!

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