08/21/22 Daily Devotion – Bring the mindset of Jesus to all your relationships!

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5 NIV)

I have purposely set this verse apart from verses 6-11 (the well-known verses that support the doctrine of the two natures of Christ). Those verses get so much attention they sometimes detract from this one. In verse 4, Paul tells us to make sure that we maintain the selfless humble ethic of Jesus. In verse 5, Paul tells us that in our relationships with others we should have the same mindset as that of Jesus Christ. That is a powerful verse. Two questions immediately come to mind.

First, what does it mean to have the mindset of Jesus? What does that mindset look like? It must be the mind of an individual who seeks God’s will and direction over his own. It is a mind that sees the truth in all situations. It is a mind that sees the heart of every individual, rather than just the outward appearance. It is the mind that has love and compassion for others, even when they don’t want or deserve it.

Second, how does one get and maintain the mindset of Jesus? The only way to get and maintain the mindset of Jesus is to be be near Jesus. One must be willing to walk with and listen to Jesus. One must devote himself or herself to Jesus’ words and lifestyle. We must be willing to surrender our will for the will of our Savior.

Finally, Paul tells us to have this mindset in our relationships with others. The key to this whole process is that others see and experience Jesus in our words and actions. We need to be Christ to every person God places in our lives.

May we today, and every day, have the mindset of Jesus!


Pastor Tom



Let the world see Jesus in you!

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