08/22/23 Daily Devotion – You are a new creation!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV84)

For a moment, let’s focus on the word “creation.” Creation is a powerful word. It takes us back to the beginning of time when God made the heavens, the Earth, and everything that dwells among them. Out of nothing, God made everything except Himself. Out of nothing, He willed that there should be something, and He spoke all that we see into existence. And if you think that is something, He did it again.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, God has made you and me new creations. Through the saving message of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we have been born again. We have been re-created. In Jesus Christ, we are new creatures. The old is gone, and the new has come. The old sinful nature no longer reigns over us. Our sinful, self-centered core has been put to death and replaced by a new nature that loves God and others as we ought. The same power that created the universe has worked in our lives and made us new — so new and so good that the Spirit of God is able to dwell in us. You and I are living, breathing Holy of Holies.

Every day, may we die to the old man and rise to the new created beings God has made us to be!


Pastor Tom


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