04/28/22 Daily Devotion – Are you walking in the truth?

“It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” — 3 John 3–4 (NIV84)

This morning, we end a two-month journey. We have spent sixty days looking at the biblical concept of truth. We have compared it to our current relativistic worldview and found today’s worldview woefully lacking. It is my prayer that the main takeaway from this series of devotions is that TRUTH DOES MATTER! The Bible says that truth is connected to every aspect of our lives. It is especially connected to how and where we spend eternity. Humanity’s concept of truth has eternal ramifications. There isn’t a more noble purpose than to witness and testify to God’s truth.

In the verse above the Apostle John spoke of the great joy the recipients of his letter were providing him. And what was the source of that joy? They were being faithful to the truth. They knew and believed the truths of God’s Word, and that brought John great joy. But twice in these verses John used another phrase that I want to leave you with. He said that they were “walking in the truth.” You see, their adherence to the truth was not just a cognitive thing. It didn’t all happen in their heads. It happened in their hearts and in their lives. It made a difference in the way they lived out their lives. As they followed Jesus, who is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, they were walking in the truth.

What about you and me? Are we walking in the truth? Has our belief in the truths of God’s Word gone past our heads and into our lives? Are the truths of the Scriptures the governing precepts upon which we live our daily lives? Are these truths touching the way we live in the workplace? In our homes? In our churches? In our relationships?

I pray that this study of truth has caused truth to be the rubber that hits the road in your life. May we walk in the truth!


Pastor Tom


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