05/04/22 Daily Devotion – Sometimes life can be tough!

“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” — Psalm 43:5 (NIV84)

Sometimes life is tough! Even the psalmist had to admit that sometimes he found his soul downcast and disturbed. Can you relate to a disturbed and downcast soul? I sure can. There are times that I just don’t understand what is going on in my life. I seem to be living in opposites. What I think should be happening in my life, isn’t. And what I think shouldn’t be happening in my life, is. My downcast spirit isn’t even about me most of the time. I see what others are living through and begin to doubt and question the will of God. In your honest reflection I know you can relate to this. I think this is the one thing that all humanity shares. We all look into our broken lives and the brokenness of the world around us and it often leaves us disturbed and downcast.

Although this is a painful process, I believe it is a necessary process. God allows us to experience this dread so that we do not put our hope in this world. He wants us to see that this world, in the end, has nothing to give us because of its broken state. He also wants to reveal to our hearts that each of us has a common need. Our souls long for meaning and understanding. The reason we are downcast is because we cannot make sense of our situation. God wants us to know that our soul’s longing for meaning is good but can only be fulfilled by God Himself. We put our hope in God because He has the ability to give meaning to the most meaningless circumstances. He alone can take bad situations and turn them to good. He alone can change the course of a person’s heart, or even the course of the heart of a nation. You see, what God assures us of is that there is more to our circumstances than our eyes can see. We become downcast because our senses can only see the meaninglessness of our experience. God’s vision and understanding go beyond what our mere eyes can see. He sees the eternal implications of our circumstances. He alone can work all things out for our good.

It is this God and Savior that we put our hope in. I pray that He lifts your downcast soul by allowing you to see the bigger picture and plan that He sees.


Pastor Tom


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