12/13/19 Daily Devotion – Called out of a foreign land!

“When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.” — Hosea 11:1

Most Biblical scholars see this Messianic prophecy as being fulfilled by Joseph and Mary as they heeded the warning of the Lord and fled Herod’s wrath by going to Egypt. It is pretty amazing to think that our Savior spent time in a foreign country before His ministry in Israel began. It is also quite remarkable that, in a way, He re-lived Israel’s history. The first nation of Israel (Abraham’s offspring) was called out of Egypt into the Promised Land. The final nation of Israel (those of us with the faith of Abraham) also has its beginnings in Egypt. God always finds his children (like the Prodigal Son) in a foreign land needing redemption and hope. So, it is out of the nation of Egypt that God called His Son.

The first Israel was called out of the bondage of slavery into a land flowing with milk and honey. The New Israel is called out of the bondage of sin into the glories of a Spirit-led life and the assurance of an eternal home in paradise. The layers of meaning in the text go way beyond the physical protection of Jesus as a young boy. God is fulfilling His prophecies and His promises. Jesus said that true sons of Abraham are not those who have the bloodline of Abraham but those who have the faith of Abraham.

Just as the children of Israel faithfully followed Moses as he led them out of Egypt to the Promised Land, may we in the same way follow Jesus into our new life and ultimately into Heaven itself.


Pastor Tom


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