03/24/23 Daily Devotion – A pattern to follow!

“They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.” (Acts 1:14, NIV84)

Jesus had ascended into heaven and the angels had told the disciples to go back into town and to wait. But even for them, the future was pretty uncertain. The only thing that Jesus promised them was that there would be a plan and a direction. So what did they do? They “joined together constantly in prayer”! This pattern of joining together and praying has been the heartbeat and nervous system of our ministry.  Firmly Rooted moves as we feel the Holy Spirit guiding us.  Like the early disciples, we must rely on this invaluable connection that Jesus gave us after He ascended into Heaven.  In 2020, we have even intensified our commitment to this discipline of praying together.  We have so many things we need the Holy Spirit to guide us into.  Even as individuals, I think we all need to see why it was so important for the disciples to join together in prayer. Their only physical connection to the kingdom of God (Jesus) was now gone. Prayer was their only way to stay connected to God’s kingdom. So it is no surprise that we find them constantly doing it.

Do you ever have more questions than you have answers? Do you have doubts and concerns? We need to resolve to be more committed to prayer. We need to boldly go before the throne of God so we might gain direction and discernment. Shortly after the disciples made their commitment to prayer, they experienced the powerful indwelling of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Three thousand people came to faith that day. Just imagine what the Lord might be able to do today with a body of Christ that commits themselves to one-minded prayer. Or on a smaller scale, imagine what God might be able to do in your personal life to bring answers to your questions and direction to your journey.

Let’s be in constant prayer!


Pastor Tom


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