04/15/23 Daily Devotion – They took note that they had been with Jesus!

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13, NIV84)

The strangest things happen to those who come into contact with Jesus! The Bible rightfully says that Christians are “peculiar” people. Another way of saying it is that people who come into contact with Jesus rarely are the same after, especially Christians. The disciples were ordinary men. One might say very ordinary. They were plain old fishermen. But not on this day. On this day, these ordinary fishermen were standing before the greatest religious thinkers of the day and challenging them about their conclusions. They had boldly declared to these religious thinkers that Jesus is the only way of salvation. Their personalities, perspectives and purposes had completely changed because of their contact with Jesus. The changes in them were so significant that others are recorded to have taken note of it.

What about our lives? What changes have taken place in our lives because we have been in the presence of Jesus? Do others notice the changes in us? Are we bold proclaimers of the truth? Are we quick to bring petitions to the throne of God on behalf of others? Do we find ourselves giving of ourselves to others, even strangers? Do we love more? Forgive more? Do we have more hope, joy and peace than others around us? Yep! Those are just some of the differences that Jesus makes in us, changes all for the good! These changes are not only for ourselves, but for the good of others. God uses those differences in us to help proclaim the truths of His kingdom. He came to redeem and save us from our brokenness and to transform us into our true created image. He uses our transformed image to shine like stars in this dark world so that others might be enlightened.


Pastor Tom


Let the world see Jesus in you!

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