“Come, house of Jacob, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.” — Isaiah 2:5 (NASB95)
Here are the words of Isaiah to his people. It is the cry of every pastor to his people. The prophet cries out: “Our situation is not hopeless. The solution to our problem is not complex. All we have to do is return to the Lord and walk in the light of His word.” That’s all we have to do. But the problem is, that means we have to stop walking in our own light. Let’s face it: Our sin makes us stubborn and self-serving; we want things our way because we know our way is right. The problem is that in that kind of thinking God is excluded. Our sinful nature wants to rebel against God’s word (even if it is for our own good). Our sinful nature is blind, dead and at enmity with the light of God’s word.
Once again, repentance is the key factor here. We need to repent and die to the desires of our will before we can listen, see, and follow God’s will for our lives. We have to stop walking in our own light and begin to walk in His light. It is stated in Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Isaiah is crying out to all of us, “What light are you walking in?” If it is not the light of the Lord then repent and turn toward the light of God’s word.
I pray that each of us heeds the words of Isaiah and “walks in the light of the Lord.”
Pastor Tom