03/10/2024 Daily Devotion – Are you feeling weak today?

“A bruised reed He will not break And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice. ” (Isaiah 42:3, NASB95)

This is one of my favorite verses in a much larger Messianic prophecy.  In describing Jesus’ ministry, Isaiah uses the gentle words you see above.  Not even a bruised reed will be broken; not even a dimly burning wick will be extinguished.  This is how wonderfully gentle Jesus’ work of redemption would be.  He came into the world to save and redeem the weakest of us.  He so sufficiently bore the sins of the world that the poorest and weakest of humanity could find salvation in Jesus.  For God there is no acceptable loss or collateral damage.

I find this to be very good news for Tom Donnelly.  More often than I would like to admit, I am that bruised reed and smoldering wick.  I am so grateful that God doesn’t let me go but works to save even me.  His redemptive work actually heals the bruises and re-ignites the flame.  This reflects the power of the Gospel to heal and to save.  Jesus has come into the world as our Good Shepherd to seek and to save the lost and hurting.

Are you a bruised reed or a smoldering wick?  Turn to Jesus!  Let His gentle gospel heal and redeem you.


Pastor Tom


Let the world see Jesus in you!

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