01/18/22 Daily Devotion – The mystery of Christ in us!

“the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. ” — Colossians (1:26–27, NIV)

In these two verses the word mystery is used twice. Who doesn’t like a good mystery!? More than that, who doesn’t like to be in the select group to whom the mystery has been revealed?! It is this kind of thought/feeling that Paul was trying to drive home in these verses as he said that God has chosen to disclose/reveal this mystery to us, His saints. Again, Paul called us saints (holy ones). What an awesome reminder of what Jesus’ death and resurrection really means to us. I think we should find ways to remind ourselves that we are saints in God’s eyes.

But what about this mystery that has been revealed to us? What is it that we are aware of as Christians that others are not aware of? Paul said the mystery “is Christ in you. The hope of glory.” There are nearly 100 occurrences of the phrase “in Christ” in the New Testament. The majority of them come from the writings of the Apostle Paul. Obviously, the revelation of Christ being in us was a significant concept for Paul. It was Paul who said, “If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old is gone and the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17). He said the same thing in a different way in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me…” Paul understood clearly that becoming a Christian is not just a process of reason and deduction. It is more about miraculous rebirth and re-creation. Now that we have been made alive by the power of the Holy Spirit, that same Spirit lives within us. It is no longer just the old Tom Donnelly who is alive. There is a newly created Tom Donnelly who has the Holy Spirit dwelling within him. This is the mystery that has been revealed and is being lived out in you and me. We are mysteriously united with Jesus because of our born-again state.

Today, may we live and breathe in this mysterious relationship we have with Jesus. Let’s be “in Christ” today.


Pastor Tom



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