02/4/22 Daily Devotion – Conversational Witnessing!

“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” (Colossians 4:6, NIV)

One of the most effective ways that we have to share the love of Christ with the people around us is in our everyday conversations. So, it is no surprise that this is where Satan draws his line of attack. James tells us the “tongue” is a fire and “out of the same mouth comes praising and cursing, my brothers. This should not be.”

We need to confess the brokenness in our ability to communicate in a loving, grace-filled way. We need to fight the battle here and win this ground back. We need to be the masters (with the help of the Holy Spirit) of the way in which we communicate with others. I mean all of our conversations. I don’t mean just our conversations with fellow Christians. I also mean the conversations we have with unbelievers and those we simply come into contact with. Paul says that our conversations should be seasoned with salt. What he means is that the result of our conversation should be constructive and tasteful.

Throughout God’s Word we are told that God will use us to effectively defend the truth and to share His grace with others. Let each of us think about that the next time we speak. Let’s ask ourselves, “Who is speaking through me at this moment? What is the other person hearing as I speak?” I pray that it is God’s grace speaking through us, and that it is Jesus that the other person is hearing.


Pastor Tom


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