“This has been my practice: I obey your precepts.” (Psalm 119:56, NIV)
“This has been my practice.” When I say those words out loud to myself I get the picture of someone who has trained so long, and so well, that what he or she practices is now a common behavior, working for a certain result. It is almost like second nature at this point. Practice and everyday life merge and become one. The psalmist says this is what obeying God’s Word should be like. We should work at it, and keep working at it, until our lives naturally follow a pattern consistent with God’s Word.
So, how are your practices going? I have to admit I am too quick to give up on the practices and yield to my sinful human nature. At times it doesn’t seem worth the effort. I have that same feeling about exercising and other things in my life that would benefit from regular and consistent practices. But for those who stick to it, there are stories of great success. They tell of days now where practicing is a want rather than a drudgery. We need to dig deep and know that it is for our own good. By devoting ourselves to God’s Word and dedicating our lives to its principles, we grow closer to God and live a life with meaning and purpose.
Let’s dedicate ourselves to living God’s Word today. Let’s do more than know it and believe it. Let’s obey it.
Pastor Tom