03/10/22 Daily Devotion – The greatest eternal truth!

“For your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.” — Psalm 26:3 (NIV)

Let’s not forget, as we spend time pondering God’s perspective on truth, that the greatest eternal truth is that God loves us. He doesn’t just like us. He doesn’t just love us as long as we are being good boys and girls. God loves us with a passion that is hard to wrap our minds around. It takes the help of the Holy Spirit to provide us the discernment necessary to understand God’s love.

His love is unconditional and eternal. His love does not waiver. He loves us whether we love Him or not. It has to do with His very character. For all eternity, our triune God has been in a loving relationship. When He created man in His image, He was bound to love him. Because Adam and Eve were created in God’s image, they were created to love the same way. They were created to love God with their whole heart, mind, soul and will. Although sin broke this attribute in Adam and Eve, it did not change God’s perspective. He loves us just the same.

As Paul said in Romans 5:8: “God demonstrated His great love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” God truly sent His own Son into the world to bear our sins so that our relationship of love might be restored. It is because God loves us, and we love him that we dedicate our life’s walk to His truth.

Today, let’s let God’s love be the motivating factor for our walk of truth.


Pastor Tom


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