08/21/23 Daily Devotion – We do NOT live for ourselves!

“And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” (2 Corinthians 5:15 NIV84)

Living for one’s self began in the Garden of Eden. No, not when Adam and Eve were created, but when they fell into sin. The sin prior to the eating of the forbidden fruit was in Adam and Eve’s hearts when for the first time they chose to do their will over God’s will. They chose to live for themselves. From then to now, nothing has changed. We continue to live for ourselves. We want our will done, and we get frustrated with anyone and anything that gets in the way. But Jesus ends all that.

Jesus came to do the Father’s will. He obediently lived a sinless life and then bore our sins upon Himself so that He might remove our guilt and its consequences. Because He loves us, He died for all of us. When we come to know Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our old sinful nature dies and is buried in Jesus’ death on the cross. Just as Jesus rose from the dead victoriously to life, we, too, rise to life as a new spiritual being emerges in us. That new creature in Christ, like Christ, longs to do the Father’s will. That new creature knows that life is to be lived out, not for one’s self, but for the One who died and rose again for us.

As believers in Jesus Christ we are called to a life lived out empowered by the Spirit of God. We dedicate the purpose and the direction of our lives not to ourselves but to our Savior. May we, each day of our lives, commit ourselves to living for the One who loves us and has redeemed us!


Pastor Tom


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