09/21/22 Daily Devotion – ‘May it be to me as you have said’

“’I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May it be to me as you have said.’ Then the angel left her.” (Luke 1:38, NIV84)

It has taken me way too long to write a devotion for this verse. It’s not that thoughts and ideas aren’t floating through my mind. It’s that the thoughts haunt my soul. I so want Mary’s words to be my words. I want to confidently declare to the Lord that I am His servant and may it be to me as He has planned. The problem that haunts me is that I find myself wanting to add a “but” or “as long as” to my statement. The fact is that I want to place qualifiers on my relationship with God.

Why didn’t Mary bargain and reason with God? Just one reasonable condition, “Lord, can we wait until after I’m married to do all this?” would have saved her a lifetime of shameful accusations from others. Didn’t she think about all the ramifications? I do! All the time! I want God’s will to be done in my life as long as I or someone that I love doesn’t have to suffer, or experience pain, or go through trying times, or etc. I honestly find it hard to say the words, “May it be to me as you have said”  without some condition. You see, what I wrestle with is control. I admit that I need to surrender to the God who created me but still want to think I have some say in how it’s all going to look.

We must admit that He is the potter, and we are the clay. We must trust that His design and purpose for what it is He has made will be for His glory and for our good. We must believe that He has a plan for us that is “not to harm us, but to give us hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). We must admit that because He is God, He alone has the full view, while our view is limited to the moment. Pondering those truths, I find it easier to truly say the words of Mary without condition. I can confidently state/pray “Thy will be done” without any reservation.

I’m beginning to see that when my heart and mind are seeing things from the proper perspective, I can properly respond to God’s Word and will for my life.

Today, may we seek the wisdom to see things from God’s perspective and then to openly accept His will for our lives without condition.


Pastor Tom


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