09/22/23 Daily Devotion – God sees, hears and is concerned!

“The Lord said, ‘I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.'” — Exodus 3:7 (NIV84)

There isn’t a single one of us on the planet who doesn’t need this statement to be true. We desperately need to know that God is intimate enough to see our suffering, hear our cries for mercy and come to our aid in some way with grace and compassion. This isn’t just a wish (I hope?) of the Christian, but it is a certainty (I hope!). We can be certain that this very day, God sees, hears and is concerned about all that goes on in our lives. Just listen to what God was telling Moses. He was telling him that He saw the abusive way that the Egyptians were treating the Israelites. He was telling Moses that He heard the individual cries of the people. And finally, He told Moses that He was deeply concerned for them and was ready to act on their behalf.

Are you going through a period in your life that is almost unbearable? Have you been crying to the Lord for mercy? Are you tempted to think that maybe He isn’t listening? Or, maybe He doesn’t see? Or, He won’t do anything about your situation? Stop!!! Those thoughts are simply lies of the Devil. Jesus tells us that he is “a liar and the father of lies.” Only Satan would desire us to think that God will not do anything about our situation. Look, if God was willing to send His own Son into the world to suffer and die in our place, shouldn’t we be certain that He can and will also take care of the smaller issues in our lives? Isaiah says, “The Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save, neither is His ear so dull that it cannot hear (Isaiah 59:1). Isaiah was saying this to a people who were losing hope. They were doubting that God was going to do anything about their troubled times. But He did! He always does!

We can be certain that our Lord sees us clearly. He hears us intimately, and out of His concern for us, He promises to meet us at our needs. He did it for the Israelites. He can and will certainly do it for us.


Pastor Tom


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