01/17/2023 Daily Devotion – A proper sense of reality!

“I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.’ So he got up and went to his father.” (Luke 15:18–19, NIV84)

When people come to their senses, the major change is the gaining of a proper sense of reality. When we come to our senses, our view of ourselves, others and the world around us gets corrected. The Prodigal Son in this verse finally saw the hopelessness of his situation and decided to go home. I heard someone say once that this experience is like being out on the ocean and realizing that somehow you are out of the boat and in the water. This isn’t a time to build another boat (create another false reality) — it’s a time to simply swim back to the original boat (go home).

Here the Prodigal Son thought about going home and in doing so he faced another reality. He realized that he sinned against his father and God. His immediate reaction was repentance and a sense of unworthiness to return as a son. He correctly humbled himself, hoping his father would at least take him back as a hired hand. So, with a heavy heart, he returned to his father’s home. We need to do the same thing. We need to admit that we have sinned and humbly return to our heavenly Father. It’s not easy. But what is the alternative? When we’ve come to our senses, we know that there is no place else to go.

May we, today and always, be quick to come to our senses and turn back to our heavenly Father, no matter what the circumstances.


Pastor Tom


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