06/01/22 Daily Devotion – True hope = Christ in you!

“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27, NIV84)

What is the “hope of glory”?  It is a hope that clings to the certainty that, just as Jesus lives within us through this life, we will see Him in full glory when we are with Him in Heaven.  And this is what Paul calls a mystery in this verse.  How is it that Jesus lives within us?  How can He dwell within such frail and feeble dwellings?  How can I be in Him, and He in me?  This only scratches the surface of this deep mystery.  Though a mystery, it does not detract from its certainty.  Jesus does dwell in us who believe in Him.  He promised that He would be with us to the end of the age, and He keeps this promise by dwelling in us.  This indwelling of our Savior through faith, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, points us to something even greater.  There will be a time when we will dwell with Him in Heaven.  There, we will see Him in all His fullness and glory.  We will dwell with Him, no longer feeble and frail, but complete and perfect.

How gloriously rich this mystery is to us who believe.  With this hope, we can face the trials and tribulations of this world and not waiver.  We can know for sure that we experience nothing in this life alone, but our Savior and Lord goes with us.  What a glorious hope we have in Jesus!  What a glorious relationship we have with Jesus!  To know that God has made us born again, by the power of His Holy Spirit; to know that He dwells within us as we walk through this life; to know that when this life ends we will reside with Him in eternity is too much to comprehend.  This is why Paul calls this “the hope of glory.”

Today, let’s be overwhelmed by the greatness, power, richness, and glory of the hope God has given us in Jesus.


Pastor Tom


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