“He was made king, however, and returned home. Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it. The first one came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned ten more.’ ‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’” (Luke 19:15–17, NIV84)
In this parable on stewardship, Jesus challenges us to focus more on the giver of the talents than on what we as stewards do with them. Too often our focus, even as Christians, is on ourselves. Jesus’ focus in this parable is on the King who gave money to his servants, not the servants themselves. Notice that the king had the expectation that there had been “gain” from the money he gave the servants. He called his servants in for an accounting to see “what they had gained with it.” What does this parable say about God and our lives?
Every good steward knows that God is the giver of all good gifts. Every talent, penny, health, etc., that we have today is a gift from God. He has given us these things to benefit our existence and to multiply His kingdom. Remember, from God’s perspective, it is always about the kingdom of God. He uses our stewardship of the blessings He gives us. He mysteriously and wonderfully causes a multiplication. When we properly use our gifts and talents to His glory, He uses the gifts in us to touch the world around us. So He not only blesses us with the gifts He gives us, but He also blesses others by our use of these gifts. Hence the “gain.” Because He is the giver of the gifts and the One who blesses their use, He has every right to expect a gain from what He has supplied. The key to being a good steward is not to focus on our activity, but to focus on God’s activity in and through us.
Let’s focus today on the One who gives and blesses that which He gives.
Pastor Tom