03/05/23 Daily Devotion – A reason for continual thanksgiving!

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say this.” (Psalm 107:1-2 NIV84)

I want to make it clear that although we have one day a year called Thanksgiving, thanksgiving is not something we should do just once a year! Do you know what I mean?! Paul tells us that we should continuously give thanks to God. Blessing should be appreciated and counted every day. Thanksgiving ought to be a state of being, not something we randomly do. We ought to be in a permanent state of gratitude! Why?

First, God is good. Undeservedly, we live on a planet where, for the most part, we can live peacefully. The Lord graciously supplies us with all that we need to live and move and have our being. He provides us family and friendships to satisfy our desire for relationship and intimacy. He provides us health, home, employment, transportation, all because He is good. It is not based upon our goodness or worthiness. All the things that God does on a daily basis to sustain our lives all comes to us because He is good. And because He is good all the time, we ought to give Him thanks continuously.

Second, God’s love endures forever. God’s love does not wear out. It does not fail. God loves us no matter what. There is nothing you and I could do today to cause God to love us any more than He does right now, and there is nothing we can do right now to cause Him to love us any less. Again, He loves us unconditionally because of who He is, not who we are. This is best shown in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s love. He died on the cross and bore our sins because of His great love for us. While we were yet helpless sinners, He lovingly went to the cross and redeemed us. His love for us is unchanging. And because His love is unchanging and eternal all the time, we ought to give Him thanks continuously.

“Let the redeemed say this,” says the second verse. Only the redeemed can give proper thanks to God because only the redeemed fully understand the goodness and love of God. So, as the redeemed, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever.”


Pastor Tom


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