12/03/19 Daily Devotion – Jesus is promised and described in Genesis!

“The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between His feet, until He comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is His.” — Genesis 49:10

What is so fun and amazing about this series of Advent devotions on Messianic prophecies is that it is all from the Old Testament. As you go through this 25-day journey leading up to Christmas you are going to be amazed at how specifically Jesus is described and depicted thousands of years before His ministry even began. Men smarter than I have studied the probability of any human being fulfilling even a handful of prophecies made by just one man. Now imagine more than 50 prophecies written by more than 10 writers over thousands of years. The men who were led by the Spirit to make these prophecies didn’t even know one another. Jesus fulfilling these prophecies is a mathematical impossibility. But with God all things are possible.

In this verse from Genesis, the Messiah is prophesied as coming from the tribe of Judah, and He would be a king who would eventually rule all nations. Thousands of years later, Jesus was born as an offspring of the tribe of Judah. He was a direct descendant of King David. When asked by Pilate whether He was a king, He replied that He was. In the book of Revelation, Jesus is called the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. On the last day He will return as the Lord of the Nations and completely restore His heavenly kingdom.

But even now Jesus is the King. He is the King of the universe and the King of our hearts. You and I are members of His kingdom by virtue of His love and grace. As you give honor to your Lord and King this Christmas season be reminded that God saw fit to clearly foretell of His coming way back in Genesis.


Pastor Tom


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