03/01/23 Daily Devotion – ‘Not my will, but Thine be done’

“‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but Yours be done.’” (Luke 22:42, NIV84)

There are those in the Christian faith who hold a doctrine on prayer that has been characterized as “name it and claim it.” They believe that if we ask God for something in prayer with the right faith and with the right heart we will automatically get what we are asking for. It sounds good. It sounds gracious. It sounds loving. Until you realize that ultimately we, as sinful human beings, are deciding what blessings we get from God. Isn’t it possible that He might see and know more than us? Only He has the master plan. Ultimately, it is about His will, not ours. Anyway, how does that doctrine on prayer work if God’s answer is “No!”? Jesus clearly understood prayer better than we do. He requested from God that the cup of wrath be taken away from Him, and God’s answer was “No.” Jesus was willing to accept the “no” answer when He said, “Not my will, but Yours be done.”

Have you ever thought that the thought “Not my will, but Yours be done” should be at the heart of our prayer life? I am not saying that we can’t bring petitions to the throne of God like a child brings requests to her earthly father. What I am saying is that we (like the child) must learn that our Father knows best and our will must take second place to His will. He knows what we really need. He knows what is really in our future. We can only speculate about tomorrow. Let’s enter prayer with a proper fear and reverence of God. Let’s remember that we are on holy ground. Let God know what you want, think, need, feel; but in the end, seek His will to be done in your life.


Pastor Tom


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