03/18/23 Daily Devotion – ‘Peace be with you!’

“While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’” (Luke 24:36 NIV84)

If you have one of those Bibles that puts Jesus’ words in red, take a look at what you find in red after Jesus’ resurrection. I find it quite interesting that the phrase “peace be with you” was stated by Jesus almost every time He appeared and addressed His disciples. I don’t recall His using this phrase as a greeting once before His resurrection, but He used it several times after it took place.

I am compelled to see this as quite significant. Jesus is trying to tell the disciples, and us, that we can now have true peace. We can have true peace because Jesus’ death and resurrection took care of all the brokenness in the world in which we live. And not only the brokenness of the world but the brokenness of your life and mine. We can have true peace in Jesus Christ. As believers in Jesus, we belong to the kingdom of Heaven that is ruled by the Prince of Peace!

Whether it be the worst or the best day of our lives, I pray that we might find peace in the One who has defeated death and won eternal salvation for us.


Pastor Tom


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